lucy wilder / the technopath
first asset to go rogue, prompting the implementation of the kill switch. responsible for disabling the implants in defectors (i.e. emil kindell, aspen monroe etc.)
location: wyhlds

emil kindell / the empath
defected after being sent to retrieve an escaped trainee. instead of going in hiding or faking their deaths, he set out to turn more assets against tantalus.
location: klarsynt

aspen monroe / the executioner
first to be approached by emil due to a familial bond. defected with him and uses her skills as an expert assassin to take out high priority threats to the resistance.
location: dervoured

saige coleman
escaped trainee emil was sent to recover. becomes his daughter figure and a symbol of the new beginning for the next generation.
location: dervoured

stella harris
neurosurgeon previously employed by tantalus. joined emil when he defected and serves as the head doctor for the resistance.
location: dervoured

levi rykov
civilian with ecological empathy and is an environmental city manager. owns the rykov farm which becomes the safe house for defectors.
location: tteiva

caroline forbes
journalist who emil comes in contact with during the course of the resistance efforts. together they expose tantalus to the public.
location: seesgood

magnolia castillo
former trainee in same class as emil and aspen. failed loyalty tests and was secretly placed within classified labs to be experimented on. escaped after over ten years of captivity, eventually becoming a key witness in the trials against tantalus.
location: caestillo